Dr. Chantel Justice, PhD
Chantel graduated from Fort Lewis College with a BA in Psychology and Accounting, and from University of Alaska with a MS in Clinical Psychology. She received her doctorate in Clinical-Community Psychology from University of Alaska. She is a lifelong Alaskan and grew up in a small village in Bristol Bay, moving to Anchorage as an adolescent.
She has worked in the Mental Health Field since 2008, with many of her clinical hours coming from working with adolescents, families, and racial and ethnic populations. She also has extensive experience as a Tribal Doctor in Alaska which expands her perspective of illness, mental health, and well-being in her work with individuals. Developing a trusting therapeutic relationship, she works towards helping patients achieve balance and become empowered in their healing while achieving their goals.
She has a systems-based perspective through person-centered and solution focused modalities as she comes along side patients in their journey toward well-being, working on a variety of concerns. Chantel enjoys working with individuals in their process towards acceptance, anxiety, depression, anger, isolation, relationship or parenting issues, and trauma. She works in partnership with each patient to develop a therapy approach for their unique needs. Chantel sees clients both in-person and through tele-health. She is presently under the supervision of Dr. Lynn Hicks awaiting her state of Alaska Psychology license.